Lisa Chao, MD, FACOG

Teresa, a Sonata Nurse Advocate, is available to answer questions about fibroid treatment options.
Submit the questionnaire below or call Teresa at: 650-540-8814.

Stanford Fibroid Center
900 Blake Wilbur Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94304 [Map]

"*" indicates required fields

Contact a Nurse Advocate

Please complete this questionnaire to help our nurse advocates understand your specific concerns and evaluate your options.

0 of 2 max characters
Have you experienced any of the following symptoms?
(Check all that apply)
Which of the following abnormal period symptoms have you experienced?
(Check all that apply)
On your heaviest days, how often do you need to change your pads or tampons?
Has a healthcare provider ever told you or a family member that you have an enlarged uterus or fibroids?
How long have you had symptoms?
How significantly do your symptoms impact your life?
How would you rate your level of frustration with your symptoms?
How many different physicians have you discussed your symptoms with?
Has a physician suggested any of the following procedures/treatments as a treatment for you?
(Check all that apply)
What is your primary reason for seeking more information about Sonata?
Please answer in your own words. Skip if you don’t feel comfortable answering.
0 of 1000 max characters
Are you currently pregnant?*
Do you have Essure for sterilization?*
FRM 05195-002 Rev D
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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