A Hysterectomy is Not Your Only Option

Sonata is an incisionless fibroid treatment that leaves the uterus intact.

The Sonata System is now part of Hologic

Hologic is a global leader in women’s health, committed to developing innovative medical technologies and offering minimally invasive solutions for heavy periods and fibroids.

Sonata Treatment

The Sonata Treatment is an incisionless solution clinically proven to reduce fibroid symptoms including heavy menstrual bleeding. This treatment can address a wide range of fibroid types and sizes. Multiple fibroids can be treated during a single procedure.


Clinical Results

Women were surveyed 12 months after their Sonata Treatment and reported the following results:*


*Chudnoff S, Guido R, Roy K, Levine D, Mihalov L, Garza-Leal JG. Ultrasound-Guided Transcervical Ablation of Uterine Leiomyomas: The SONATA Trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Jan; 133(1): 13-22

Sonata Success Stories

Click on an image below to learn how these women got back to enjoying life by choosing the Sonata Treatment to reduce their uterine fibroid-related symptoms

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